Sunday, May 22, 2016 (really)
This is posted one week late because of Caitlin's parents :/
hi! I can't believe I am writing this but I hit 6 months this week! Ah.
Unbelievable. My companion also hit 14 months this week soooo of course we had
to celebrate at an Italian restaurant (oh my. Miracle -
found in Taebaek!!!) and with our investigator who surprised us with cake. She
also gave me a traditional stamp of my Korean name with ink (So exciting! -
Picture included).
week I unintentionally studied about trials and God's purpose for us every
single day. Really! Whether I planned to study God's love or faith, it all
ended up running together...which I realized is because it is all part of God's
work and glory to perfect us so we can return to Him. This led me to find my
new FAVORITE scripture. Joseph Smith translation of Hebrews 11:40:
"God having provided some better things
for them through their sufferings, for without sufferings, they could
not be made perfect."
the Apostle Paul continues, "Let us run with patience the way before us -
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith:
finisher meaning one who completes or perfects our faith
(Hebrews 12:1-2).
I have zero time and 7 days of "trials" notes I love = this email is
everywhere...BUT to sum it up: we have SO much potential. We can become whoever
we choose to become in this life - our goal is perfection. God loves us and
knows we are capable of it. Actually He expects it of us. He will
give us specific trials, challenges and weaknesses - opposition to provide an
opportunity to become that person. He says, "Let me make of
you all that you can be." It is our choice. We will experience hard times
regardless (Bc God loves us), but how well we choose during those times to give
up our will and rely on God determines the extent to which we will change and
progress towards perfection. SO MUCH to think about. Mind = blown. BUT: Choose
who you want to become, what attributes you want to acquire, how you will
respond to the opportunities God gives you, and allow God to shape you into
your best self, Christlike/perfect self.
Hiking: So BEAUTIFUL Taebaek. So versatile: rock climbing, rope climbing,
greenest trees, flowers...1.4 km, but took almost 2 hours to reach the top = SO
steep (or we are tired sister missionaries)
6 month package from Demi!! Teaching members s'mores tonight!
Funny messages received via text from our English class investigators:
"You crack me up!", "Ah TGIF," "I make sense your
mind" (totally makes sense in Korean, but does not translate!)
Our new investigator we met this week. No religion but then he remembered he
went to church in the army. They gave out Choco Pie's (Korean snack) to anyone
who comes to church, and he was quicklyyyy converted. No idea what they taught,
but ate the food every week!!!
SO embarrassed I took
this picture...basic sister missionary. But Hiii 6 months! |
and my Gu <3
stamp of my Korean name…